Structural floor joints

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Jointec GE
JOINTEC GE aluminium sliding structural joints

Jointec GEL
Structural joints in aluminium with rubber insert: JOINTEC GEL

Jointec GR
Structural modular joints JOINTEC GR

Jointec GRL
JOINTEC GRL modular structural joints

Jointec GRM
JOINTEC GRM modular structural joints in metal and rubber

Jointec GM
JOINTEC GM modular structural joints in brass or aluminium

Jointec GML
JOINTEC GML structural joints

Jointec GAL
JOINTEC GAL aluminium sliding structural joints

Jointec GALP
JOUNTEC GALP structural joints with expansion

Jointec GA
JOINTEC GA structural and expansion joints

Jointec GAP
JOINTEC GAP structural and expansion joints

Jointec GAD
JOINTEC GAD structural floor joints

Jointec GADP
JOINTEC GADP structural joints in aluminium

Jointec GH
JOINTEC GH joints with aluminium structure

Jointec GS
JOINTEC GS modular structural joints with large widths

Jointec GAS
GAS: joint between screed and floor

Jointec GEP
JOINTEC GEP angular version upward anchoring of GE joints

Jointec GELP
JOINTEC GELP angular version upward anchoring of GEL joints

Jointec GMP
JOINTEC GMP angular version upward anchoring of GM joints

Jointec GMLP
JOINTEC GMLP angular version upward anchoring of GML joints

Jointec GDP
JOINTEC GDP angular version of the downward anchoring of the GEP joints

Jointec GDLP
JOINTEC GDLP angular version downward anchoring of GELP joints

Jointec GD
JOINTEC GD joints with supporting structure in aluminium and rubber

Jointec GDL
JOINTEC GDL joints with supporting structure in aluminium and rubber

Jointec GDM
JOINTEC GDM structural joints in aluminium and rubber
They have come, which must be foreseen during the design phase and which, as the name implies, go to openings created in the structure of the building. These joints must be made to allow the natural expansions of the structure, thus avoiding the occurrence of fractures in the same, and to avoid seismic damage. The profiles must concern the flooring and its screed, in all its thickness, and their width must be equal to the width of the fracture specifically created in the structure.
The range is very wide, and can be divided into two macro families: the one with joints entirely in aluminum for the important transit of accidental loads such as cars, trucks, transpallets, some examples are the Jointec GA or GAL; the other family consists of profiles with lateral parts made of aluminum or steel and the central part in interchangeable EPDM. These joints should be used in the event that excellent mechanical properties, resistance to abrasion and extreme temperatures are required, ideal for intense pedestrian crossings, such as in shopping centers, and cars. Jointec GE, GR, GRM couplings and many others are part of this series.Another interesting profile is the Jointec GW, a highly technical waterproof seal profile, made of solid steel, with anti-vibration rubber, continuous stabilized rubber and waterproofing insert.