Bordertec BHOG

Bordertec BHOG, a joint to connect two Bordertec BHO borders

Bordertec BHOG, a joint to connect two Bordertec BHO borders

Bordertec BHOG is a joint compatible with the BHO border. It perfectly connects the final part of two border profiles positioned side by side at a distance of at least 3/4" (2 cm).

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  • Bordertec BHOG-A Joint in Powder Coated Aluminum

    Joints in Powder Coated aluminium for the BHO profile. Available in Pastel Grey (A22) or Embossed Micaeous Grey (A50).

    H (in) Art. Finishing Variant
    2 BHOG 50 A22 Powder Coated Pastel Grey
    2 BHOG 50 A50 Powder Coated Embossed Micaceous Grey
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